Everyone knows that exercise is important for good health. But in many arguments, those who are not satisfied with the high level of cholesterol-related foods, instead of saying 'Why do exercise?' Especially with heart problems, there are many anxieties about exercise. Researchers say regular exercise is necessary for good health, but not extra.

The American College of Cardiology has advised those who do not want to exercise at all, rather they want to exercise their curiosity and find that they are interested in exercise.

In a journal of the medical college, the exercise and extra exercise are being highlighted. The editor's editor-in-chief Valentin Foster said, "It is better to exercise rather than curse. But there should be two things to keep in mind. One is not to exercise completely and the other is to exercise excessively without proper preparation. '

Studies show that those who regularly exercise do not have the risk of heart disease. But recent studies have claimed that excessive exercise is deadly for cardiovascular diseases.

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