
When Benjamin Franklin famously said that nothing in life except death and taxes is certain, then he must add back pain to the list. This is about 80 percent of the adults in their lives, and this is the biggest reason for job disabilities.

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According to the National Institute for Nervous Disease, it is getting worse - going from the sixth place in 25 years to the third position in the most risky position.

For maximum back pain, the exercise is widely regarded as the best medicine. The old prescription of the bed rest can only make it worse.

Asking Balance
Perhaps surprisingly, the exercise is also worth a pound of healing that is ounce of resistance. In January 2012, a report from Jamaica International Medicine, which analyzed 23 studies of 31 studies, said that lowering the level of exercise reduces the backache down to 35 percent. Due to stomach ache, 78 percent of patients reduce the risk due to illness.

Muscle exercises on the stomach, but not all equations. The stomach muscles definitely play an important role in supporting backwards. But exercising their exclusion of other supporting muscles can be a balance that can only be more painful.

Read more: Core Strength Training Workout

The back pain comes from weaknesses
According to the medical journal, people with sports related to chronic back pain reduce the response to most muscles, including contrasting stomach and pave floors muscles.

Strength of the core - The lumbar spine, pavilal ribs, stomach and hip joint combined muscle complex - protects against future injuries and can help to solve the vulnerabilities that cause pain. It offers crunches - known as curl up performed in a Swiss ball - as chest press and bridge poker for lower back stabilization.

"A good rule of practice behind your back stick and knee-knee," personal trainer and yoga instructor David Knox, a physical school writer, said: A new guide in daily life movement

That includes the standard crunch for working on the top APPS, lifts for the strengthening of variations of crunches such as single-legged hip flexors and crossover crunches. "Basically, you are good with any equivalent exercise where there is no place for riddle.

Side plaque obliques strong. Photo Credit: Patramansky / iStock / Getty Images
Walking plaque
A widely agreed-up remedy for low stomach pain is also the plates that will draw your stomach. Maintain a sit-up top for as much as possible.

According to the American Council of Exercise (ACE), there is a need for very little movement of electricity while contracting with each level of finger muscles. If done properly, it is attached to the muscles of the stomach, as well as hip, shoulders and upper back muscles.

AC recommends these variations on this pattern and recommends reduction of back pain and backache:

Hip Flexion / Extension -
Plank by the standard plaque position, five feet in the right foot, five inches second,
Then lift the left leg.
Plaque with thoasic spine rotation -
Press right hand on the ground, while moving both legs and thorns on the left side to turn around
Off the ground left arm. Rotate the left hand down, then move it
On the other hand, pushing the left hand on the ground and rotating right
Repeat the arm up
Side plaque with full extension - First, do the side of the side of the shoulders
Directly under the shoulders. Junk agreement; Sticks and powders
When pressing both legs together with thighs. Between 15 and 20 seconds and
Towards the switch
Plank-up - From the gap, the right hand
Place it at the bottom right, then place the left hand on the left side of the left; Three
Hold it in seconds, first place the right hand and
Then go back to the starting position with the left hand on the ground. Repeat for three to five times repeated

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