Why fitness does not help lose weight, trainers can provide training and seminars in detail. I grow as coaches to visit them regularly, and today I will share the information stored on this event with you.

And the large, one of the reasons for this phenomenon: we get more energy from food than we spend. Increases the cost of fitness calories. However, some reasons may reduce this effect almost to reduce. I'll tell you about them. And you can evaluate yourself, what is the cause of your failure If you are determined on yourself that fitness does not help you lose weight, then it will not work, you will have to ask for a personal consultation for a coach.

Fitness does not help to lose weight, because you're eating extra
I have already said: As a result of appetite increases hunger, fitness classes allow confusion: I have burned many calories that now I can eat something personally, this "something" has resulted in this: Ski marathon (50 km and more) to participate For the first season, I rescued by 4 kg! And it is only for 4 to 5 times a week for cross country skiing competition for 20-40 km, plus the race itself ... Sports Medicine American college was once calculated once the 80% of times does not help to lose weight, it has actually been linked That trainer goes to a person with 2:00 otpahal full kit in the gym that often happens to consume many calories ... "McDonald's" and load burgers and cola, I think that they will be arrested, it certainly does not hurt. Alas! Do not pay for any training in food grains, sugar, preservatives and salt. It is checking itself up.

How to be? "I removed a lot, so that any food would burn" eradicating the idea of ​​the semantic ". Calculating calories: Calculate how much time you take per season based training costs, even slipping 200-500 kilolaries and regularly adjusting your breakfast, lunch, dinner and food. The thing is, reduce the cost of fatty foods, convenience foods, sweet and sugar, and more vegetables, and in fact, the most difficult thing to do. It's all done ...

You do not become slim, because you choose inappropriate workouts
According to American Medicine Sports Medicine, about 50% of fitness enthusiasm is trapped in this trap. Those who are not an individual trainer, who are without help as a rule, are unable to evaluate their physical shape accurately. Therefore, they make the following mistakes

* They are very strict in their exercise or too busy, as a result they work more and then do not appear in the fitness club for a few days.

* They are the activities that are very easy for themselves. In particular, to try to lose weight of an airbase, often inside of a gym, exercise is done inside.

* Do not know the exact technique to exercise. And for this reason, they do not drive fat, but get an unevenly pump body (this problem is often an exercise bike fan and exercises on italic abdominal muscles).

* When starting training, they do not consider their physical or health status. For example, many full populations, think of themselves as fascinating, although most of them do normal physical work. And hypotension shows warmth to everyone, even though they have to do it a little differently.

How to be? It would be ideal at the beginning of its fitness path to consult with an experienced coach. And do not expect that this will be enough fitness testing: that many clubs have carried it officially.

Make sure to keep a training diary (you can use it). Note the training type, how long it has been, pulse or general feeling (hard-easy), if any - exercise, weight and repetition. After 2-3 months, try to analyze where you did not work, where you have made a break between classes, etc. You can give a diary for more experienced fitness trader or coach analysis.
You do not understand the mistakes that you lose or not
So every second, eager to lose fitness weight. People do not consider accounting will change their body as a whole of regular training. That will not only reduce the fat level, but muscle tissue will also increase!

Many women believe that if you do not take dumbbells in your hands, muscles will not increase. But if you did not move too much before exercise, the muscle was virtually wound. And now, when they start to load even with the addition of aerobics and, they return to the form and volume decorated by nature. (I think that according to physicists, in men, muscle tissue should be 40% of the weight of women - 30%.) Normal, healthy men and women who did deliberately swing. In this case, muscle tissue is heavier than fat. Therefore, at the beginning of the fitness path, it often happens that the level of fatty acids decreases, and weight gain.

You do not understand the mistakes that you lose or not
So every second, eager to lose fitness weight. People do not consider accounting will change their body as a whole of regular training. That will not only reduce the fat level, but muscle tissue will also increase!

Many women believe that if you do not take dumbbells in your hands, muscles will not increase. But if you did not move too much before exercise, the muscle was virtually wound. And now, when they start to load even with the addition of aerobics and,

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