Obese people chose two ways to reduce weight. One should eat less, less. And secondly, exercise must be done. But scientists discourage them saying that obesity can not be done in these ways.

For a long time, obese people have been considered as a means of controlling the amount of diet and exercise as a means of weight loss. But many people are complaining that they are in further danger of doing so. Researchers at the top universities of America say that, obese people are the biggest barrier to weight control, their physiology. Scientists clearly tell that obesity can never be controlled by controlling food calories.
It has been found that many people have been able to reduce weight by exercising less and exercising for a few months. But 80-95 percent of them returned back to the previous state. Because of this, due to low calorie intake, the biochemical changes in the body and once it makes people sick. Again, the way calorie and saturated fat is added to modern food, it is almost impossible to regain the normal condition of gross people.

Christopher Okon, professor of pediatrics and psychiatry at Ican School of Medicine, New York, said that such obesity has become permanent obesity. Body weight has been stabilized biologically. But a few people who have received normal body body biological properties are different from others.

Another study has tried to find genetic causes behind obesity. 97 parts of the genes have been found which work to be obese. The research is going on to solve the problem by working in this section.

Currently weight loss is being done through surgery. However, if someone follows the dietary regression as before, then the weight can not be ascertained whether to increase.

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